2024 New Membership Information
Membership Chairperson: Bess Alexander
New Membership
The Central Ohio Watercolor Society accepts nominations for new members on an annual basis. Individuals are eligible for application for membership if they are interested in furthering the use of transparent watercolor as a form of artistic expression with demonstrated skills of professional quality and live in Ohio. Any member in good standing may recommend to the chairperson of the membership committee the name of a potential member. The selection of new members occur during the "Schedule for Applications for Membership" listed above. New members will not be selected at any other time. Each potential new member shall submit three matted (not framed) pieces, following the requirements of submission and will include the application provided below. The paintings must conform to the transparent watercolor criterion of the organization:
Any questions, please contact the Membership Committee Chairperson Returning Members
Members are required to pay membership dues in full by January 1 or each year and demonstrate enthusiasm for the purposes of the society by participation in its meetings and events. Members may hold any elective office and committee assignment, submit information about potential members, bring guests to any program meeting of the society, participate in exhibitions and other events and activities of the society. |
Watercolor is unique in its unparalleled ability to portray light. Your style may be tight or loose, fast or slow, thick or thin, and bright or subtle. We celebrate its uniqueness! |