Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens - Merry and Bright Show The selection process has been completed.
Congratulations to the following artists!
Suzanne Accetta June Evans Ed Kitchen
Bess Alexander Della Erwin Katie McMicheal
Kevin Buckland Sally Ford-Lyles Ron Mlicki
Bob Bruce David Friedlander Charles Rowland
John Cameron Joan Fistick Edward Sadar M.D.
Linda Coe Marty Hansgen Susie Schreiber
Peggy Dlusky Judy Heston Melinda Yarnell
Artists that have pieces that were not selected, have been notified via email by Sally Ford- Lyles. Those pieces can be picked up this Saturday at our regular COWS Meeting or contact Sally at 614-895-8322 to make arrangements. An Exhibition Agreement form (from Franklin Park) will need to be on file at Franklin Park Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, if you did if you did not pick yours up at the October meeting Contact Sally Ford-Lyles to make arrangements. Please sign and fill out of 3 pages send it to the attention of Bonnie Rouche at Franklin Park Conservatory 1777 E. Broad St. Columbus, Ohio 43203.
Please make sure ou have send an artist statement/Bio and a jpeg of your painting(s) to [email protected]